Monday, April 04, 2016


can I come into your sugarbush?
so dark and deep,
where the sap runs sticky and sweet,
where the wind breathes life into my tired lungs,
and the sun slices through your trees,
and bounces light off the trembling leaves,
like a giant maple cutting into the sky,
I can feel your power,
your sanctuary,
my rejuvenation 
my salvation,
and the immanence of your love,
let's go deep into your sugarbush,
swallow me into your cosmic night,
and let me sleep within you,
until I wake up baptized and reborn,
wrap me in your sacred arms,
until I forget what I know,
let me come into your sugarbush,
so we can labour until the bad feelings go,
to where we collapse the ego,
and your syrup mixes with my snow.