Sunday, December 12, 2010

this place

can I go away with you?
this place is cold and lonely,
my friends have gone,
they have been replaced by things,

can I come away with you?
this place is dark and I always feel sick here,
it's empty and there's no one to talk to,

can I tag along with you?
I hate coming home to this place,
to the deafening silence,
to these thoughts,
to these memories,

is there something I can do for you?
that might give me a reason,
a way,
to help me carry myself,
away from here?

...because I don't like this place.


Brother Ollie said...

I'm ready to call Mean Dean - I'm not "feeling" my place of work right now.

Wonder if Erika will resurface...she may have moved on to other sinners.

Juice Box said...

Raw, and sad. The feeling behind this poem does has a place in me.

Fisheye Lens said...

Been there and felt that. For the first time in many years, though, I'm coming to like my place -- in the polis, in the polity, and above all in the polyverse.

The Square Corner said...

I do like this poem. Has got a flow to it like a river of angst. Like Bukowski tipped over a wine bottle in a lonely gutter.