Tuesday, January 10, 2012

parlour games (les jeux de salon)

whether park or parlour,
I'll sit,
amongst the carved and serious faces,
who have seen seasons change,
lovers come and go,
traditions become strange,
friends become strangers,
I'll have a couple for my shot nerves,
a few more to placate that fickle collective conscience,
a couple more in praise of self-amusement,
for in this Night,
no, life, of the Long Knives,
I intend to get loose,
get gone,
don't mind if I do,
and if I may,
I'll play,
along the way,
a few jeux de salon.


Brother Ollie said...

the French eh? highly under-rated - at least in regards to their most excellen parlour games

temporal rooms said...

the purge while
drinking fine wine.


Fisheye Lens said...

The Purge is definitely in the Works -- thank goodness such arousing diversions are abound.

Matthew John Davies said...

Great opener, unmistakable mood throughout.