Tuesday, April 02, 2013

all things (part 1)

all things can be a wise counsel,
a distant buzzing of traffic,
or the whistling wind,
voices in the hallway,
or footsteps on the stairs,
those spinning thoughts,
those drugged up dreams,
the loneliness in an old man's scream,
the dirty streets and it's torn down, rusted out, broken hearted machines,
mystics and Zennists,
natural scientists and alchemists,
Wiccans and atheists,
Taoists and book shop occultists,
yogis and wanderers,
rebels and musicians,
gym rats and drunks,
painters and runners,
boxers and writers,
photogs, sex maniacs and bar room brawlers,
jail house tats, and snitchy little rats,
smoke cigarettes as they shovel the last of the snow,
frantically carving away the last of the ice,
to thaw the paradigm,
to end all paradigms,
the paradigm of no paradigm. 


Anonymous said...

This some seriously great shit. Love the 'drugged up dreams and loneliness in an old man's scream' part. Vivid.

Brother Ollie said...

musical - nailing it all down sir